Talks etc.

Workshop on the Epistemology of Grounding – Vienna, August 2024


  1. “Issues for Dispositionalism”, Powers and Essences, Dispositionalism and Essentialism, Düsseldorf (GERMANY), June 12th-13th, 2025.
  2. “The Epistemology of Grounding”, The Epistemology of Grounding, Vienna (AUSTRIA), April 14th-15th, 2025 (joint work with M. Wallner).
  3. Comments on Yusuke Satake, “Non-Dispositional Modality”
    January 8th-11th 2025, Eastern Division Meeting of the APA, New York, NY.
  4. “The Epistemology of Grounding”, The Epistemology of Grounding Workshop, Vienna (AUSTRIA), August 19th-20th, 2024.
  5. “Knowing Reality Through Imagination”, Facets of Reality: Contemporary Debatesthe 45th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel (AUSTRIA), August 11th-17th, 2024.
  6. “New Directions in the Philosophy of Essence, Grounding, and Modality”,  XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (ITALY), Panel presentation, August 1st -8th, 2024.
  7. “Individual Essentialism After Mackie”, Penelope Mackie Memorial Conference, University of Nottingham (UK), July 3rd-5th, 2024.
  8. “Knowing the Nature of Things A Priori”, Workshop on the A Priori, University of Miami, FL, November 10th-11th 2023.
  9. “Knowing the Nature of Things A Priori”, Workshop on the Epistemology of Essence, University of Washington, WA, July 12th-13th 2023.
  10. “Knowing the Nature of Things A Priori”, Pacific Division Meeting of the APA, invited symposium on Modality, Essence, and Ground, San Francisco, CA, April 5th-8th 2023.
  11. “Bracketing the Obvious”, invited book symposium on Amy Karofsky’s A Case for Necessitarianism, Hofstra University, NY, March 10th 2023.
  12. “The Epistemology of Essence”, Workshop for the Routledge Handbook of Essence, University of Neuchâtel (SWITZERLAND), July 9th-12th 2021.
  13. “What Does a Modal Normativist Know about Modality? ” (with A. Vaidya), Modality, Ground, and Essence Workshop, University of Graz (AUSTRIA), March 12th-14th 2020 (postponed due to COVID-19).
  14. “Is There An Absolute Modality?”, New York Metaphysics & Logic Workshop, CUNY – The Graduate Center, NY, March 9th 2020.
  15. “The Epistemology of Grounding”, Early Career Metaphysics Workshop, Lehigh University, PA, April 26th-27th 2019 (joint work with A. Vaidya and M. Wallner).
  16. “Modal Pluralism and Modal Knowledge”, Pluralism, Relativism and Skepticism: The First Annual Conference of The Middle East Society for Analytic Philosophy, The American University in Cairo  (EGYPT), March 19th-21st 2019.
  17. “Modal Pluralism and Purely A Priori Necessities”, Workshop on Necessity and Essence, Tübingen University (GERMANY), November 22nd-23rd 2018.
  18. “Modal Pluralism and Modal Knowledge”, Invited Symposium, Necessary Beings: A Conference in Memory of Bob Hale, Senate House, London (UK), October 15th-16th 2018.
  19. “Putting Modal Metaphysics First”, Pacific Division Meeting of the APA, invited symposium on The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Modality, San Diego, CA, March 28th-April 1st 2018.
  20. “The In-Essential Powers of Modal Imagination”, Philosophy of Imagination International Conference, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (GERMANY), March 15th-16th 2018.
  21. “Putting Modal Metaphysics First”, Conceivability & Modality International Conference, Sapienza University of Rome (ITALY), June 19th-20th 2017.
  22. “Essence, Explanation, and Modal Knowledge”, New York Metaphysics & Logic Workshop, CUNY – The Graduate Center, NY, May 8th 2017.
  23. “Essence, Explanation, and Modal Knowledge”, The Saul Kripke Center Brown Bag Lunch Series, CUNY – The Graduate Center,  NY, March 15th 2017.
  24. “Conceivability, Possibility, and The Inconsistent Triad”, Modal Metaphysics – Issues on the (Im)Possible IV, Bratislava (SLOVAKIA), August 30th-31st 2016.
  25. Comments on Jakob Schieder’s “Explaining Essence and Modality”, Modal Metaphysics – Issues on the (Im)Possible IV, Bratislava (SLOVAKIA), August 30th-31st 2016.
  26. “Conceivability, Possibility, and The Inconsistent Triad”, GEM – Ground, Essence, and Modality International Conference, University of Helsinki (FINLAND), June 8th-10th 2016.
  27. “The A Priori Route from Essence to Necessity”, 2016 Edgington Lectures, Birkbeck College, London (UK), June 3rd-4th 2016.
  28. “Perceptual Intuition and A Priori Justification”, 2016 UConn Graduate Conference on the A Priori, University of Connecticut, CT, February 20th 2016.
  29. “Conceiving & Necessity. The Kripkean Challenge to Chalmers’s Modal Epistemology”, 2015 PLM Masterclass, Stockholm University (SWEDEN), June 7th 2015.
  30. A Kripkean Look at Chalmers’s Modal Epistemology”, New York Metaphysics & Logic Workshop, CUNY – The Graduate Center, NY, May 14th 2015.
  31. “Scrutability and Negative Facts”, COGITO Research Center, Bologna (ITALY), May 29th 2013.
  32. “Scrutability and Negative Facts”, 2013 Rudolf Carnap Lectures, Ruhr-Universität Bochum  (GERMANY), May 22nd 2013.
  33. “Kripke sul metro-campione. Un caso di contingente a priori?” (“Kripke on the Standard Meter. A Case of the Contingent A Priori?”), Sapienza University of Rome (ITALY), June 7th 2012.

Pacific APA in San Francisco, April 2023


The A Priori in Miami workshop – November 2023

Poster for the Conceivability and Modality International conference, Rome, June 2017

Some of my Prezis: 


Middle East Society for Analytic Philosophy Conference - Cairo, March 2019

Interviewed by Skye Cleary for the APA Blog (March 2017):

Pacific APA in San Francisco, April 2023